Pat was a very great help to me when I joined Great Sankey High School in 2002 to teach Physics. Pat was a new-ish Science Technician with a great deal of practical wisdom. I was doing a career-change from Industry and after a PGCE year was really just a beginning teacher. Pat cheerfully supported me through thick and thin in that first year, and was a constant encouraging presence from then on. After I retired, Gill and I used to go for a meal with Pat every few months. She was a great collector of vouchers and offers, so our meals sometimes cost very little! The last time we saw her was special. We took a meal Gill had prepared and shared it with her at her home. Pat, your presence in the Science department often brightened my day. Your friendship over the years was real. Your love for your family and your pride in them was tangible. Your creativity was beautiful. Pat, you are much missed. x
24th May 2024